Saturday, March 8, 2008

Going to a Chiang-Rai Wedding...

Good day world! It is a good day because the weather is so nice(you can check our weather on the link to the right), and today the wife and I are going to a western style wedding. I'm sure the weddings here are a lot mellower then back in the States. I personally am not a big fan of weddings. I've been to something like three weddings in my life and to me they seem to be quite unusual. A bunch of people getting together to observe 2 other people join together in holy matrimony...whatever. As long as there's free food and drinks!!

I am going to try to take some video and make it interesting for all of you who are interested in how they do things over here as far as weddings goes...stay tuned!

Be sure to check out all our videos at!

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